Monday, December 13, 2010

St Ives Apricot Scrub Gentle Review

St Ives has recently been my go to skin care brand because it doesn't only work great for me but it has positive reviews from users. I only use my blemish and blackhead control scrub 4 times a week so I want to have another one I can use for daily exfoliation. Although I read from reviews that they use the blemish and blackhead control scrub everyday, I prefer not to do that as it contain salicylic acid and is medicated for acne. Using it beyond the recommendation from St Ives may increase skin sensitivity and could cause irritation.

I have only used this scrub for 3 days but I'm already liking it because it's mild and really appropriate for daily use. And it's oil free so it is suited for sensitive or even oily skin like mine. The scent is also not as strong as the blemish and blackhead control scrub and the grains are fewer for gentle exfoliation. After washing I can immediately notice smoother and clearer skin. I couldn't say more why I like this scrub. It works great, cleans my pores, exfoliates well, and is highly effective. It has received awards from Teen Vogue and it's one of the best selling scrubs from St Ives. However, if you think you maybe allergic to any of the ingredients, it's best to do a patch test first for precaution.

Take note that after cleaning and scrubbing, you need to apply a good face lotion to keep your skin moisturized, smooth, and younger looking. I hope this helps!



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