Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Ever Bilena Advance BB Cream Demo and Review

This is the first local bb cream I have tried mainly because I love the Pro Flawless Finish Foundation, so I got this too. I bought this bb cream a month ago and have been using it for a while. Ever Bilena came up with two variants. Anti-wrinkle has grayish undertone and comes in a pink packaging. Whitening has yellow tone and in a purple squeeze tube. Whitening is more suited for Asian skin so many choose it over the anti-wrinkle. I got it at Watsons for P195.00, which is a steal considering that it contains 50ml of product. That's really cheap! Is it worth it though?!

The thing I love about this bb cream is the yellow undertone. It evens out the skin tone, cancels redness on the skin, and makes you look more youthful and fresh the moment you apply it. Below is a before and after photo. You'll see that even if I have a neutral undertone, the bb cream doesn't look too bad on me. It doesn't really adjust to your skin tone like the other bb creams, so if you have darker skin, I would suggest you try out the testers first to see how you like it and decide whether you still want to buy it or  not, although you can always warm up your face with a bronzer. 

If only these reasons were enough to make me keep this bb cream... 

Bare face with oil-free moisturizer and primer on

After - With one layer of Ever Bilena Advance BB Cream

This bb cream has medium coverage, but I wouldn't recommend building it up because it cakes and creases. It dries matte but makes my skin look dull. I'm not sure about the anti-wrinkle one, but this bb cream has a thicker consistency, and it doesn't glide on the skin easily even with a primer. I have tried using my fingers and brush to apply it but the best tool that works for me is the sponge. It's not very blendable, and it dries quickly so it tugs my skin if I use my fingers to apply it. It doesn't blend on the skin properly. It just sits there and doesn't even fill in the pores very well unless you push on to the skin. It doesn't photograph good either.

I have oily skin, but this dries out my skin. I wouldn't recommend anyone with dry skin to use this at all. It made me break out badly, and I haven't broken out this much until I tried this bb cream, which is sad because I wanted to like it as much as I love the foundation. I broke out on my nose and brow area after I filmed the demo video, which is irritating. 

Now let's talk about staying power. Terrible! Believe me, I'm an easy person to please when it comes to makeup but this just didn't work out for me. About an hour after applying this bb cream, it crumbles, cakes, creases, melts, and looks blotchy. It could not stand the heat and humidity at all. It may work better when it's cooler, I don't know, but I'm not trying this again.  I apply this with primer underneath and even mix it with my primer, but it won't work. The bb cream separates from the primer and doesn't apply evenly. Not worth the effort to be honest.

I regret that I bought this bb cream not because I spent money on it, but it made me break out badly. I haven't had a bad experience like this with any makeup at all. Not to mention the smell, I seriously can't take it. I had a feeling that I won't like this bb cream... I should have listened. I have tried this bb cream many times and gave it a few chances but it fails me every time. I wouldn't recommend this bb cream from my experience. Some people may like this, but it just isn't for me. I'd rather spend on the Pro Flawless Finish Foundation which is cheaper but works nicely, or pay a little more on a bb cream/brand known to offer good quality. I have an in-depth review and demo video on the Ever Bilena Pro Flawless Finish Foundation so check it in case you're interested.

I hope that this review was helpful. Have a good day everyone! ♥


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  1. i hope i've read this before buying the product.I really want to try using a BB cream but the only ones available in watson is this and the fanny serrano one.I know FS has a very dewy finish so i bought this instead.I havedry skin and it's really cakey.It's hard to blend on my face specially when it's too hot.I wish it will be gone soon so i can purchase other bb creams :)

  2. Hi Ren! I heard that the FS BB Cream is good and should be better for dry skin. I haven't tried it myself though. I'm currently trying out the Maybelline BB Stick and it's quite good. They have a liquid version and should be good for dry skin. I'll try to put my demo and review up today, maybe it can help :)

  3. i was about to buy fs bb cream but it's too small and i read that it's too dewy but i guess that one fits me..i'll check that maybelline too thanks :)

  4. The Maybelline BB Stick is matte. If you prefer a matte finish bb cream, you may like it. I'm loving it so far :)

  5. I agree 100%! I have combination-oily skin and this settles on my dry patches. If I use my fingers or brush it leaves streaks and doesn't seem to settle. The best way I use this is by using a sponge. It looks light on you actually, this looks yellow on me and makes me quite sallow-looking and unhealthy. :( It darkens a bit too, but that's because I'm acidic. Doesn't last throughout the day, when my oils + sweat start showing up my face becomes blotchy with this stupid bb cream mixed in. I'm still testing it out, because I haven't really used this extensively but I'm inclined to think it's horrid. :(

  6. Sponge is the best way for me too. Did it break you out? I'm still paying for the pimple marks this bb cream left on my chin :(. If it starts to break you out, please stop using it. It's just not worth IMHO. Thanks for sharing your experience CJ

  7. Clare Cristobal SobremisanaNovember 22, 2013 at 7:02 AM

    don't use this ever again!!!. It also cause me so many pimples! arrgggh! now, because of using it...I pay a lot for the acne treatments for my skin!. This is a very terrible product!

  8. I paid for it for a very long time. I didn't need treatments but it was one of the worse breakouts in my entire life :(. Good thing all the marks are gone now. I will never use this again. I gave it to my cousin and I think it worked out okay on her. She didn't complain of breaking out.


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